The last one was one that I started on my own but this time it is official...yeah!!
What time did you get up this morning? about 9am--it was my day off and I had to get up so that I could watch The Price is Right--I love that show
Diamonds or pearls?Diamonds
--aren't they a girls best friend. I do like black pearls though
What was the last film you saw at the cinema?sad to say but Enchanted--was suppose to go see it w/ my 3 yr old niece but she decided at the last minute that she did want to go so it was just my mom, sister in law, and me--cute kids show though
What is your favorite TV show? I love TV, just depends on the night really but I love the Office and Prison Break
What do you usually have for breakfast? Don't really eat breakfast, too dang early! Raisin Bran Crunch--good and healthy :)
What food do you dislike? Always have and always will HATE peas--whoever said that plugging you nose while you ate stuff was smoking somethin' b/c it sure didn't work for me
What is your favorite CD at the moment? Alicia Keys--can't remember the name of the album but it's her new one
What kind of car do you drive? Honda Accord--love Hondas
Favorite Sandwich? Turkey ranch and swiss from Quizno's--mmm mmm good
Favorite item of clothing? My pajama scrubs- the red ones--so soft and comfy--can't go wrong w/ scrubs
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Australia although I hear the airplane ride blows since it is 18 hrs--bring on the sleeping drugs
Favorite Brand of clothing? I do love the GAP but really I shop everywhere--all depends on the price tag though
Where would you retire to? anywhere as long as I don't have to work anymore however since I'm sick and tired of the freakin' snow, I would have to say anywhere warm
What is your most recent memorable birthday? have 2--16th birthday--was a surprise party w/ my best friend at the time and we had a huge party in her backyard w/ karaoke, bonfire and other fun things and then for my 20th b-day, Brad hired a pilot to take us on an airplane ride to the beach where we were suppose to land and have a picnic but Oregon's great weather kept us from doing so--still very fun though
Favorite sport to watch? College Football
When is your birthday? August 18th
Are you a morning person or a night person? neither--I get tired really early in the night and I love going to bed and I ABSOLUTELY hate mornings--Brad can testify
What is your shoe size? 8.5
-9 depends on the shoe really--same answer as Toni
Pets? nope but I want a dog (husky or a lab) but we don't have a backyard for one
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? I'm an aunt once again of an ADORABLE little girl
What did you want to be when you were little? A zoo keeper until I found out that I would have to clean up the animal's poop and then that occupation went out the window
How are you today? pretty good since I didn't have to work and I went shopping--my favorite pasttime
What is your favorite candy? anything w/ milk chocolate like hershey kisses--I also love strawberry charleston chews
What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? December 2008- when Brad graduates!!--finally
What are you listening to right now? Brad's watching something on the TV about DB cooper and robbers, not really paying attention-he's always watching something random
What is the last thing you ate? Cafe Rio shredded chicken salad, it was fabulous!!
Do you wish on stars? No, can't say that I do
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Sunshine Yellow--it's a bright and cheery color
How is the weather right now? considering it is night time and still winter, cold but thankful it's not snowing, that's suppose to be tomorrow
Last Person you spoke to on the phone? My hubby--letting him know that i was coming home
Favorite Soft Drink? Dr. Pepper
Favorite Restaurant? I like Cafe Rio/Costa Vida, can't go wrong w/ Red Robin though
Hair color? Currently blonde, but it changes every so often
What was your favorite toy as a child? my pink blanket--still in tact too--my mom has it on my bed at her house
Hugs or kisses? Kisses including the chocolate kind
Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla, kind of plain but so good
When was the last time you cried? sometime this past week I'm sure plus my mom left on Sunday and I hate saying goodbye
What is under your bed? Containers of my clothes, I have a lot them so I have to put the off-season clothes somewhere.
What did you do last night? I was over at my brother's house holding their new little baby, like I said, she is adorable and I love holding her!!!
What are you a afraid of? Someone in my immediate family dying unexpectedly
Salty or sweet? definitely sweet
Favorite day of the week? Fridays or whatever day is the last day in the work week
How many towns have you lived in? 4
Do you make friends easily? I think I do but who knows really
I now tag.......Kristen, Nancy, Amy and Heather---or whoever else wants to be tagged--some people hate it so I didn't want to re-tag anyone and WOW that was a doozy of a tag--takes a little while but what tag doesn't
Friday, February 29, 2008
My first official Tag
Posted by The Johnsons at 29.2.08 1 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
"Borrowing Ideas"
My cousin, Kristen, had this tag on her blog so I hope she doesn't mind if I borrow it, even though she did not "tag" me, I thought I would complete it anyway. You type in answers to questions in Google images and you have to pick a picture from the 1st page of results.
Age you'll be at your next birthday:
A place (or two) you'd like to visit:
*Australia & Africa*
One of your favorite places:
Your favorite object:
*I love my bed*
Your favorite food: Your favorite color:
*rice (weird I know) & yellow*
Your favorite animal:
Name of a past pet:
Where you live:
*Provo (actually Spanish Fork), UT
Your middle name:
*Ellen (sure I wish I was as funny as her--but I do like to tell myself that I am funny)*
Your college major:
*Dental hygiene--I'm sure some people think those are the instruments I use*
A bad habit you have: Your favorite holiday:
*Shopping (my husband would definitely agree) & the Fourth of July*
I now tag Cory, Wendee, Teri, and Carrie (if she still blogs--it's been awhile since you have updated
Posted by The Johnsons at 1.2.08 3 comments
Problem still not solved
Still missing the equipment that allows us to download our photos from our camera to our computer so in the mean time, here are some photos from the library (thanks to Kim for the idea). Hope you can enjoy at least some pictures. Also for the New Year Brad is really into making new year's resolutions so he decided to swear of everything good I think for the year--that means no cookies, cakes, pies, doughnuts, chips, french fries (except red robin fries), and many other good things. He insisted I make a new years resolution which I hate doing because if I want to make a goal, I don't feel the need for the new year to roll around to make he said that I should try to make it to church on time every week for a year---there's one mess-up weekend. So church is at 11 and you think I would be able to make it on time but NO, first week of the year, yep, I was late (by the way this was before we made the "goal"). Anyway since the goal was made, I have done very well, thank you very much. Well our prize for doing these goals for the whole year and more so of a graduation present for Brad is to go on a cruise next April or so w/ our good ol' neighbors, Adam & Cory. So I also made the goal to look like I did when we went on our first cruise, so now I am hitting the gym more (also to prep for the Hood to Coast Relay Race again this August). My goal is to look like this--skinny and tan: (sorry about the immodesty--you have to wear a bikini on your honeymoon, it's all part of the fun)
So that's the goal.....
Well here is another photo of honeymooning couple in front of Chitzen Itza. Mexico.
Here's a picture of Brad climbing down that pyramid, crapping his pants since he is afraid of heights and the stairs are very steep...He will appreciate that I shared this on the blog. :)
About 1 1/2 ago, we went camping w/ Craig and Sara on Mt Timp and this was on our hike. Utah sure does have some great views.
In August of 2006, Brad and I ventured to Washington DC to visit my brother and his family....Brad is showing his appreciation for the IRS--he originally wanted to pretend he was peeing on the sign but I said that I wouldn't take the picture if he did so he just frowned
And then there's me in my modeling debut....
alright I think that is enough pictures to bore you with...stay tuned as always for some more blasts from the past.
Posted by The Johnsons at 1.2.08 2 comments