Friday, February 1, 2008

Problem still not solved

Still missing the equipment that allows us to download our photos from our camera to our computer so in the mean time, here are some photos from the library (thanks to Kim for the idea). Hope you can enjoy at least some pictures. Also for the New Year Brad is really into making new year's resolutions so he decided to swear of everything good I think for the year--that means no cookies, cakes, pies, doughnuts, chips, french fries (except red robin fries), and many other good things. He insisted I make a new years resolution which I hate doing because if I want to make a goal, I don't feel the need for the new year to roll around to make he said that I should try to make it to church on time every week for a year---there's one mess-up weekend. So church is at 11 and you think I would be able to make it on time but NO, first week of the year, yep, I was late (by the way this was before we made the "goal"). Anyway since the goal was made, I have done very well, thank you very much. Well our prize for doing these goals for the whole year and more so of a graduation present for Brad is to go on a cruise next April or so w/ our good ol' neighbors, Adam & Cory. So I also made the goal to look like I did when we went on our first cruise, so now I am hitting the gym more (also to prep for the Hood to Coast Relay Race again this August). My goal is to look like this--skinny and tan: (sorry about the immodesty--you have to wear a bikini on your honeymoon, it's all part of the fun)

So that's the goal.....
Well here is another photo of honeymooning couple in front of Chitzen Itza. Mexico.

Here's a picture of Brad climbing down that pyramid, crapping his pants since he is afraid of heights and the stairs are very steep...He will appreciate that I shared this on the blog. :)

About 1 1/2 ago, we went camping w/ Craig and Sara on Mt Timp and this was on our hike. Utah sure does have some great views.

In August of 2006, Brad and I ventured to Washington DC to visit my brother and his family....Brad is showing his appreciation for the IRS--he originally wanted to pretend he was peeing on the sign but I said that I wouldn't take the picture if he did so he just frowned

And then there's me in my modeling debut....

alright I think that is enough pictures to bore you with...stay tuned as always for some more blasts from the past.


Behunin Family said...

Cute pictures.

I'd kill to wear a bikini again. I sure wish I would have enjoyed my pre-baby body! :) Good thing I love them!

I don't think I've ever seen some of those pictures. You guys have done some fun things! I loved the tagging idea- you had some great ones!

Unknown said...

Yea, You updated, and what a cute idea of posting pictures for answers.
Oh and I was totally offended my your inmodesty I think I will report you.
Can't wait to see you hopefully sometime soon.