Sunday, September 14, 2008

Camping in Utah's Outback

Hopefully this is one of many post since August was crazy for us. Starting the month off, Brad and Adam took a little hiking trip into the wild to camp for a few days. They headed up into the Unitas not to be heard from for a few days. Many people asked me where they went. Being the caring wife that I am, I said somewhere in the Unitas, who knows. If there was a problem with them not returning on time I knew Brad had some maps of the area of where they were at on their computer so there wasn't a huge worry. Anyway, their planning for this hike started way back in January. Needless to say they were very excited for this trip. The purchasing of many hiking items began as well as talking about where they were going to go, downloading of ariel maps, and then came the test run to make sure they could hike with all the weight of their packs. Well the highlight of their trip to me anyway was that they made it home in one piece and lived to tell about and take pictures. SO here a few of the shots they took while enjoying the great outdoors!


Harris Family said...

I think boys and their hiking is so funny. The planning that goes on for days, weeks, months in advance is hilarious to me. Glad he had a good time and survived. I always hate that waiting for them to come home part. I've planned Josh's funeral several times...I know I'm a freak. Can't wait to see more updates!

The Grover Family said...

HOLY CRUD!!! Look who is alive! I'm realy glad you finally posted something I was beginning to worry I would never hear from you again! You haven't stopped by for awhile.... maybe you should, I don't know, just an idea. Anyway glad brad made it home. Love ya(this time don't go away for so long K) -Linds

Jon, Britt & the boys said...

Nice! Hey, is that anywhere near Clyde or Wall Lake? Just curious. It looks kind of familiar. Then again, all 18 million lakes in the Unitas look pretty similar, right?